Graduate Academic Outreach Sessions

Connect with an academic, voice your questions or concerns, and share tips and tricks for online learning.

During uncertain times it’s important to stay connected with the community around you. The Faculty of Science is welcoming students to attend online Zoom sessions to chat, connect, and receive support while you’re continuing to study remotely.

You will be placed in a small group with an academic staff member for a relaxed and informal chat about how things are going.

Academic staff from across many areas of science will be hosting the outreach sessions. These sessions are all about connecting and staying in touch with our graduate community. Take the chance to branch out and meet someone new.


Am I eligible?
To be eligible to register for a session, you must be a currently enrolled graduate student within the Faculty of Science - that’s it!

These sessions are designed as an opportunity to check-in and connect with your peers and an academic staff member. You can use them to share your experiences in studying remotely.
Academic staff hosting these drop-in sessions can’t provide course advice, assignment assistance, specific career guidance or mental health services. Instead, we encourage you to check out the great range of student support services that are already available. For questions regarding course planning, career advice, assignment assistance, and subject selection, please contact Stop 1. We also encourage you to consider accessing the free services offered by our Counselling and Psychological Services team.

Register now, places are limited.
Tuesday 25 August, 10 - 11am
Tuesday 25 August, 12 - 1pm
Thursday 27 August, 12 - 1pm
Thursday 27 August, 1- 2pm
Monday 31 August, 1 - 2pm

Monday 31 August, 2 - 3pm
Wednesday 2 September, 11am - 12pm
Wednesday 2 September, 2 - 3pm