27 Faculty of Science projects receive ARC Discovery Project funding

The Federal Government has announced that Faculty researchers are to lead 27 new projects worth $13 million under the ARC Discovery Project (DP21) scheme.

Researchers from the Schools of BioSciences, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics and Statistics, Ecosystem & Forest Science, Earth Sciences, and Physics have been awarded funding.

See below for descriptions of the projects that will be led from the Faculty of Science.

Faculty of Science Discovery Project funding recipients

Prof David Balding, BioSciences – Demographic and evolutionary inferences from large, whole-genome datasets

Demographic and evolutionary inferences from large, whole-genome datasets. A new data structure for genome-wide datasets has allowed great improvements in the efficiency of genomic data storage and in population genomics simulations, which are crucial to developing and testing mathematical models of population history and species evolution. We will take these advances in new directions, using efficient data structures to dramatically improve inferences about: the demographic histories of populations, rates of genome change, and phylogenetic networks, and we will develop the first inference methods for the multispecies coalescent with recombination. Outcomes will include advances in understanding the evolutionary histories of humans and other species, including pathogens of importance for global health.

Dr Theresa Jones, BioSciences – Artificial light at night as a driver of evolutionary change

Artificial light at night as a driver of evolutionary change. This project aims to investigate whether artificial light at night drives evolutionary change using a combination of field observations, laboratory experiments and advanced genetic techniques. This multi-disciplinary study expects to provide a significant advance in understanding of the impact of light at night for animals and will enhance our capacity to predict the outcome of future urban expansions for all species. The outcomes will have broad implications for estimating the future biodiversity and health of our urban areas and will benefit both globally and within Australia by providing much needed data regarding the likely resilience of species currently residing in our major cities.

Prof Geoff McFadden, BioSciences – Sugar transporters in coral symbiosis and origin of parasitism

Sugar transporters in coral symbiosis and origin of parasitism. We aim to identify how symbiotic algae feed sugar to their coral hosts. Corals need this algal sugar to exist, but no one knows how it is transferred, so understanding this crucial mechanism is hugely significant. The first benefit of this research will be a fundamental understanding about how two organisms (algae and coral) cooperate to build habitats like the Great Barrier Reef. We also aim to explore whether coral/algal cooperation paved the way for the origin of parasitism. The second key outcome will be to identify the precise molecular mechanism that allowed parasitism to arise. This will benefit us through understanding the origins of important diseases such as human malaria and related infections of livestock and wildlife.

Prof Andrew Pask, BioSciences – Defining the Molecular Targets of Evolution.

With significant advances in next-generation sequencing technologies we now have the genomes of hundreds vertebrate species, but understanding how the differences and similarities within these genomes control species diversity is largely unknown. The similarity in skull shape between the thylacine and dogs coupled with their deep ancestry, having last shared a common ancestor over 160 million years ago, provides an unprecedented opportunity to examine how evolution works at the DNA level. This proposal will determine if animals that develop identical skull shapes, also show identical changes in their DNA. The findings will define new developmental genes and explain how selection, adaptation and evolution works at the DNA level.

Prof Andrew Pask, BioSciences – Developing the dunnart as a marsupial model for conservation research

Developing the dunnart as a marsupial model for conservation research. The Australian bushfire crisis of 2020 has taken an enormous toll on our unique wildlife. With no halt in sight to rising global temperatures, more extreme weather events are predicted to increase in frequency and severity. We simply must act now to preserve our unique native mammals in Australia and safeguard against species loss and irreversible declines in genetic diversity. This project will develop methods for the generation and preservation of stem cells from a range of our most endangered and vulnerable marsupial species. These cells not only allow us to ‘bank’ species and genetic diversity but also provide a route to enabling genetic manipulation, opening up a completely new niche for conservation biology in marsupials.

Prof Madeleine van Oppen, BioSciences – Deciphering the coral minimal microbiome

Deciphering the coral minimal microbiome. This project aims to decipher the functions of coral-associated bacteria by taking advantage of low-diversity microbiomes that are naturally found in some coral species. A further aim is to unveil the importance of bacterial genome evolution in coral adaptation to climate change. Climate warming is the biggest threat to coral reefs with half of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GBR) corals dead due to recent summer heat waves. Expected outcomes are an increased understanding of how bacteria contribute to coral heat tolerance, and new knowledge to assist in the development of bacterial probiotics for enhancing coral thermal tolerance. This should provide significant benefits to the protection of the GBR and Australia’s economy.

Prof Brendan Wintle, BioSciences – Nature futures: pathways to sustainable development goals for biodiversity

Nature futures: mapping pathways to prosperity for people and nature. Population growth, consumption and trade are direct socio-economic drivers of land use change and climate change, which determine where species can persist. The UN Sustainable Development Goals and national policies acknowledge the dependence of people on nature and the impact of socio-economic drivers on nature. However, few analyses of impacts on nature explicitly incorporate socio-economic drivers. Utilising a novel modelling framework and high-performance computing we will integrate economic, land use and biodiversity models to evaluate: (i) policies and incentives for increasing national vegetation cover for carbon sequestration and habitat, and (ii) global risks to nature posed by land use change under future geopolitical scenarios.

A/Prof Alessandro Soncini, Chemistry – Extracting the 4f-wavefunction of rare earth magnets from X-ray diffraction

Extracting the 4f-wavefunction of rare earth magnets from X-ray diffraction. The project aims to develop a new combined computational quantum chemistry and experimental X-ray diffraction protocol to extract the 4f electron wavefunction in lanthanide magnetic materials. Results will be significant for the design and screening of efficient molecule-based magnets. Expected outcomes include detailed understanding of the influence of the chemical and crystal environment on single-molecule magnet properties, and benchmarking and development of new computational methods. Significant benefits include focused strategies to design and identify commercially viable lanthanide-based molecular memories, and advance our understanding of the quantum mechanics of strongly correlated 4f electron systems.

Prof Spencer Williams, Chemistry – Dissecting a major sulfur cycling pathway: sulfoglycolysis

Dissecting a major sulfur cycling pathway: sulfoglycolysis. This project will elucidate the molecular details of sulfoglycolysis, a group of metabolic pathways through which the sulfur-containing sugar sulfoquinovose is catabolized. The project will employ an integrated metabolomic, chemical, biochemical and structural approach to dissect how various sulfoglycolytic organisms degrade sulfoquinovose. This project will deliver a deeper understanding of this major biochemical pathway and develop new chemical and metabolic approaches to manipulate sulfur cycling in the environment. Benefits will include biotechnology applications of newly discovered proteins, and sustainable approaches to reduce our dependence on agricultural fertilisers.

Prof Spencer Williams, Chemistry – Control of immune recognition and response by microbial metabolites

Control of immune recognition and response by microbial metabolites. This project aims to study immune recognition of microbial metabolites and develop reagents to control immune responses. Chemical synthesis will be used to develop new antigens for unconventional T cells and the first soluble agonists and antagonists of a glycolipid-sensing immune receptor. Expected outcomes include the discovery of new immune effectors, broadening our knowledge of the repertoire of small molecules that can be sensed by the immune system, and developing chemical approaches to promote or dampen immune responses. Major benefits include research training in chemical biology, strengthened international linkages and fundamental insights into the chemical basis of immune recognition and response.

A/Prof Malcolm Wallace, Earth Sciences – Oxygenation history of the Earth and the evolution of complex life

Oxygenation history of the Earth and the evolution of complex life. This project will investigate how and when the atmosphere became oxygen-rich by analyzing ancient barrier reefs and other rocks that formed between 1000 to 300 million years ago, spanning the appearance and diversification of animals and plants. The project is significant because the buildup of oxygen in the atmosphere was arguably the most important chemical process ever to have occurred on Earth and controlled the evolution of environments, climate and life. A major outcome will be an improved understanding of how the Earth's atmosphere and climate are regulated by geological processes. This project will generate new knowledge about how sedimentary zinc, lead and copper ore deposits form, which may guide exploration for these commodities.

A/Prof Trent Penman, Ecosystem & Forest Science – Understanding the Origin and Development of Extreme and Mega Bushfires

Understanding the Origin and Development of Extreme and Mega Bushfires. Extreme and megafires result in significant damage to property and infrastructure and are associated with large suppression costs. These events form when separate fires Merge. Their increase occurrence in recent seasons highlights the importance of developing tools and technologies that better predict extreme events to aid fire response and inform strategies for greater resilience. This project combines fire field experiments with computer modelling to determine factors driving extreme fire development, and develop new knowledge and models. These enable better prediction of active fires, enhance the knowledge base of fire managers for critical decision making and to improve risk modelling and mitigation planning for fire-prone communities.

Prof Barbara Downes, Geography – Dispersal and recruitment of species across landscapes: a new synthesis

Dispersal and recruitment of species across landscapes: a new synthesis. This project aims to ask: does failure to disperse successfully across landscapes limit the abundances and diversity of species in habitat patches? This is a central question in ecology. The project expects to generate new knowledge about the links between dispersal success and population numbers by using recent advances in river ecology that have overcome logistical barriers to hypothesis tests. Expected outcomes include new insights into why dispersal failures occur and how they are associated with low population numbers. Benefits should include improved advice to conservation managers about extinction risks, and unique, tangible outcomes for fundamental ecological research in Australia that will spring from international collaboration.

Dr Catherine Phillips, Geography –Understanding contested human-plant geographies for urban greening success

Understanding contested human-plant geographies for urban greening success. Urban greening is vital for sustainable,liveable and climate-adapted cities. However, conflicts over urban greening continue to cause delays and even failure of initiatives. Such disputes, and the diverse socio-cultural relations that drive them, remain poorly understood. In ground-breaking research employing innovative concepts and methods developed by the team, this project aims to generate new knowledge about how people experience urban greening in their everyday lives and how urban greening is contested in three Australian cities. Expected outcomes include new, crucial understandings of key human-plant relationships, facilitated international collaborations, and significant findings for improving urban greening policies and governance.

Prof Peter Forrester, Mathematics and Statistics – Expanding and linking random matrix theory

Expanding and linking random matrix theory. Fundamental to random matrix theory are certain universality laws, holding in scaling limits to infinite matrix size. A basic question is to quantify the rate of convergence to the universal laws. The analysis of data for the Riemann zeros from prime number theory, and of the spectral form factor probe of chaos in black hole physics, are immediate applications. An analysis involving integrable structures holding for finite matrix size and their asymptotics is proposed, allowing the rate to be quantified for a large class of model  ensembles, and providing predictions in the various applied settings. The broad project is to be networked with researchers in the Asia-Oceania region, with the aim of establishing leadership status for Australia.

Dr Nora Ganter, Mathematics and Statistics – Elliptic Schubert Calculus

Elliptic Schubert Calculus. We are well placed to become one of the world's leading centers in the emerging discipline of elliptic representation theory. This proposal describes our plan of establishing a cohesive research program spanning all the different aspects of this multi-disciplinary field, which applies elliptic cohomology to geometric representation theory, enumerative geometry, integrable systems and invariants of singular varieties.

Our mathematically diverse team all have played key roles in the recent developments surrounding the field, and in very different capacities. This is a unique moment, where we have the chance to transform our individual research programs into a cohesive and powerful collaboration with a strong

international presence.

Dr Jesse Gell-Redman, Mathematics and Statistics – Singular spaces in analysis and geometry

Singular spaces in analysis and geometry. Singularities arise naturally in many areas of mathematics, as models of symmetry, degeneracy, and asymptotic collapse. The aim of this project is to provide powerful, generlisable tools to elucidate the interplay between modes of singularity formation and solutions to the important differential equations which arise in geometric analysis. The proposed framework builds upon the established success of microlocal analysis, initiated by Melrose in the 1980's, in the generalisation of landmark theorems like the Atiyah-Singer index theorem to more general Riemannian manifolds. This project will benefit Australia by increasing its capacity in pure mathematics in this highly active research area.

Prof Christian Haesemeyer, Mathematics and Statistics – Moduli, invariants, and algebraisation

Moduli, invariants, and algebraisation. This project is in pure mathematics. It aims to address gaps in our knowledge in the modern geometries and their associated algebraic structures that arise in classification problems that pervade mathematics and its applications. This project expects to generate new knowledge in modern algebra and geometry. Expected outcomes of this project include major progress in our understanding of invariants of derived categories of algebraic stacks and the relationship between algebraic and other geometries. The benefit will be to enhance the international stature of Australian science.

Prof James McCaw, Mathematics and Statistics – Multiscale models in immuno-epidemiology

Multiscale models in immuno-epidemiology. The spread of a pathogen (for example, a virus or bacteria) through a population is a multi-scale phenomena, influenced by factors acting at both the population and within-host scales. At the population scale, transmission is influenced by how infectious an infected host is. Infectiousness in turn depends on the balance between pathogen replication within the host and immune/drug control mechanisms. This project aims to develop new mathematical frameworks for simultaneously modelling these two scales. This will provide a platform for the rigorous study of complex biological interactions - such as the emergence and combat of drug-resistance - that shape society's ability to control infectious diseases in human, animal and plant systems.

Mr Daniel Murfet, Mathematics and Statistics – Proving the Landau-Ginzburg/Conformal Field Theory correspondence

Proving the Landau-Ginzburg/Conformal Field Theory correspondence. This project aims to provide the first precise mathematical statement and geometric proof of the Landau-Ginzburg/Conformal Field Theory (LG/CFT) correspondence for simple singularities, a physically motivated principle that relates hypersurface singularities in algebraic geometry to representations of vertex algebras in conformal field theory. The formalism developed here is expected to clarify the nature of the correspondence and lead directly to generalisations beyond simple singularities, as well as provide a dictionary to translate methods of CFT into singularity theory and vice versa. These results will further cement Australia's reputation as an international leader in pure mathematics and mathematical physics research.

Dr Charl Ras, Mathematics and Statistics – A unified approach to the design of minimum length networks

A unified approach to the design of minimum length networks. This project aims to develop a new approach to designing minimum length interconnection networks by analysing their geometric structure. These networks form the basis of communication, power and transport systems. Optimising the design of such networks is a mathematically challenging problem of high computational complexity. This project will use an innovative method based on a relationship between the geometry of networks and a type of partitioning of the plane called an oriented Voronoi diagram. The outcome will be efficient new algorithms for designing physical networks, which, in practice, will ultimately lead to a reduction in network infrastructure costs for industries in Australia

Prof Christopher Chantler, Physics – Auger, Quantum Electro-Dynamics, Axions and New Technology

Auger, Quantum Electro-Dynamics, Axions and New Technology. New technology developed by Australia, Sweden and the United States will be applied to major questions about the application of relativistic quantum mechanics to atomic structure and dynamics and spectroscopy, especially including critical issues in quantum electro-dynamics for atomic physics and applications. Discrepancies in quantum electro-dynamics have dominated international debate for decades, with claimed explanations annually failing to reveal the cause. Also a pattern of discrepancies has been seen at X-ray energies in first row metal atoms, with a similar sign and magnitude. A combined experimental an theoretical investigation will aim to reveal new light on these anomalies and serve to develop our understanding of the universe.

Dr Elizabeth Hinde, Physics – The role of HP1 dimerisation in maintaining chromatin structure

The role of HP1 alpha dimerisation in maintaining chromatin structure. Heterochromatin protein 1 alpha (HP1a) is an architectural protein that decorates three-dimensional genome organisation and through self-association into HP1a dimers regulates global gene expression. While there is extensive biochemical evidence on how HP1a molecules bind DNA, dimerise and bridge nucleosomes close together, we still do not know how HP1a regulates higher order chromatin structure in the context of a living cell. Thus, by use of cutting-edge fluorescence microscopy methods, the overall aim of this research project is to determine the biophysical mechanism by which the HP1a monomer to dimer transition spatially and temporally modulates live cell chromatin network organisation to ensure faithful transmission of the genome.

Prof Steven Prawer, Physics – Diamond electrodes for bimodal cellular control

Diamond electrodes for bimodal cellular control. The objective of the work proposed here is to develop a new tool for investigating intercellular communication. Currently, techniques for probing cellular functions are either well-suited to controlling a limited number of individual inputs or a large number of complete cells. This projects aims to address these limitations by utilising cutting edge fabrication techniques to create an optically controlled nanoscale array of diamond electrodes, capable of modulating a large number of single cellular inputs with precision. This technology will allow researchers to manipulate cellular processes with more control than ever before, potentially gaining insights useful for understanding brain function, memory formation, or cell death.

A/Prof Christian Reichardt, Physics – Uncovering New Physics with Advances in the Cosmic Microwave Background

Uncovering New Physics with Advances in the Cosmic Microwave Background. This project aims to measure how quickly the Universe is expanding by looking at images of the Big Bang's primordial fireball that will be made by two new astronomical surveys. These improved measurements are expected to test our current understanding of cosmology, with the potential to discover new constituents or new physics in the Universe. Answering these questions about the Universe will have far-reaching consequences for our knowledge of fundamental physics. The project will also train students and researchers in data science and petabyte-scale data processing, contributing to a highly skilled STEM workforce.

Prof Martin Sevior, Physics – Investigation of New Physics via matter-antimatter asymmetries

Investigation of New Physics via matter-antimatter asymmetries. The universal matter-antimatter asymmetry and the existence of dark matter imply that new fundamental physics must exist. Recent anomalous results provide evidence that the nature of new physics can be discovered by observing B-meson decays. The project aims to do this with the Belle II experiment in Japan. Discovering new physics would be a substantial scientific discovery leading to a paradigm change in Fundamental Physics. In the process of making the measurements we will develop and enhance international collaborations, develop new techniques for machine-learning and create innovative work-flow software.This will enhance the international reputation of Australian Universities leading to increased exports of Australian education.

A/Prof Phillip Urquijo, Physics – Light new particles at electron-positron colliders

Light new particles at electron-positron colliders. This project aims to perform new searches for light feebly interacting particles. The existence of these particles can address long-standing open problems within the Standard Model of Particle Physics, such as the nature of dark matter or mysteries surrounding the origin of the Higgs mass. This project aims to use the unprecedented dataset of the Belle II electron-positron collider experiment and new theoretical techniques to reveal the existence of light new particles, placing Australian researchers in a position to lead a major discovery of new physics phenomena to complete the theory of the universe at the smallest scale. Predictions for future experiments at high and low collision energies will also be developed.

Media contact: Daryl Holland (daryl.holland@unimelb.edu.au)