Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program receives Eureka Prize

The University of Melbourne's Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program has won the 2020 Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science.

The Australian Museum Eureka Prizes are the country’s most comprehensive national science awards, honouring excellence across the areas of research & innovation, leadership, science engagement, and school science.

The Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program helps local communities to predict how beaches respond to storms and rising sea levels. Using lightweight drones, citizen scientists produce 3D models that precisely measure shoreline change. The open-source data informs coastal management and policy decisions.

The program is co-led by University of Melbourne Associate Professor David Kennedy, with Deakin University, the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Propeller Aerobotics.

The Eureka Prize is presented on behalf of the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.