High-throughput quantitative PCR for soil molecular biology

The Wafergen SmartChip Real-time PCR system is a complete, high-throughput solution that enables an unrivalled level of assay and sample format flexibility.

The SmartChip MSND is a high-precision, nanoliter-volume liquid handling system capable of dispensing into 5,184 reaction nanowells in under 40 minutes.

The chips can be configured with 14 different assay and sample arrangements, allowing you to run the experiments you want to run instead of tailoring your experiments to fit rigid sample and assay formats. The SmartChip Cycler enables fast real-time analysis in two hours, supports probe- or dye-based assays such as FAM, VIC, ROX, and green intercalating dyes, and includes integrated analysis software that enables the interrogation of over 10,000 samples per day.


  • Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) quantification based on the 296 primer sets
  • Customized service for ARGs quantification based on the 14 different assay and sample arrangements
  • QMEC: a tool for high-throughput quantitative assessment of microbial functional potential in C, N, P and S biogeochemical cycling, which includes 72 unique primer sets (with an outcome including the relative abundance of each functional genes)

Wafergen SmartChip Real-time PCR system

Associated research groups

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Contact information

Please email Christine Xie for more information.