With your help, we can support talented science students to turn their ambition into achievement.
Donate to support scholarships
How your gift will be used
Your donation will be used to fund scholarships awarded to science students who have demonstrated their potential to succeed academically, but who may need some assistance to realise their full potential.
Your gift could provide the financial stability needed for a student to succeed in their university degree. Or, later in their studies, it could provide them with valuable opportunities to develop their skills or networks.
Donations are tax-deductible and any size can make a big difference to the lives of our students.
Meet our scholarship students
Hear from our students about the impact that a scholarship, prize or award has had on their study and lives.
Georgia Tsambos
I received the Helen R Freeman scholarship while I was studying for my Master of Science degree at the University of Melbourne. After completing my undergraduate degree in mathematics, I was keen to develop a skillset that would allow me to apply my quantitative knowledge in a more scientific setting. I was attracted to the University because of its reputation for research in mathematical biology, biostatistics and other emerging interdisciplinary fields.
I am now a 2nd year PhD student in statistical genetics, and am about to travel to the University of Oxford to collaborate on a project about detecting genetic ancestry in a more detailed way than has previously been possible. This work involves using statistics to detect patterns in DNA sequences that are highly associated with particular ancestral backgrounds, and so builds directly on the foundation in statistics and stochastic processes that I gained during my Masters study. I hope that my research will contribute to future studies of migratory history, evolution and medicine. When I finish my PhD studies, I hope to pursue a career in research so that I can continue to contribute to these fields of knowledge.
The scholarship support significantly impacted my experience at the University of Melbourne. It meant I didn’t have to worry too much about earning extra money, which in turn gave me more time to pursue the experience of research that I desired alongside other hobbies and interests. For instance, I was able to turn my project work into presentations for a few symposia and conferences; these opportunities would have been much harder to juggle with a job. The relationships that I built in this time led directly to my current doctoral work. I also have been able to take a greater role of leadership in my research group (Melbourne Integrative Genomics) than I otherwise would have been able to, by taking on more academically rewarding but unpaid responsibilities - for instance, through the supervision of other students. This is important to me because I think that these activities contribute directly to the quality of our research. I’ve often found that when we talk about successful scientists, and especially mathematicians, we tend to lionise their ‘talent’ and ‘genius’ over their hard work. This kind of talk is helpful to nobody, but it’s particularly harmful to women and other minority groups who have faced repressive historical and social circumstances, and who therefore have fewer role models to look to for assurance.
I was also really grateful for the opportunity to meet my donor, Helen Freeman, and to discuss my research with her. We have kept up contact to this day.
Daniel Ferlewicz
I grew up in the Broadmeadows area in a single-parent household. Throughout high school my teachers would keep me trying to dream big, telling me I could make it as far in life as I dared to go.
I wanted to believe them, but I knew the difficulties of trying to break out of a disadvantaged financial background.
In the first year of my Master of Science studies, I was lucky enough to receive the Jean E Laby Bursary. Receiving the bursary has definitely changed how I see my future from here.
In knowing that there are people out there willing to give a helping hand, I want to keep pushing on with my studies, trying to break through the barriers that I’ve had in the hope that one day I will be able to give back to society through some breakthrough or contribution to the field.
I’m sure I speak for all recipients of a bursary when I say thank you for all the good you are doing in other people’s lives.
Thanks from the Dean
The Faculty has many talented and enthusiastic students. We may not be privy to the obstacles that some of them face. The Faculty established the Dean’s Fund for Science Scholarships in 2017. This Fund will enable us to support students with undergraduate or post graduate scholarships at any stage of their studies. This could be to help students transition to university or fund enrichment activities for them in later years. Even the smallest donation will help build this fund and ultimately assist our students.
Contact us
For any enquiries about the Dean’s Fund for Science Scholarships, please contact us by email or call +61 3 8344 3792