Rena Gao

Rena (Wei) Gao
Rena (Wei) Gao, 2023 Doctoral Academy Fellow


Interaction Matters: Automated Evaluation and Socing of Interactive Ability in Second Language Dialogue


Prof. Carsten Roever, Dr. Jey Han Lau


School of Languages and Linguistics

School of Computing and Information Systems- Natural Language Processing Group

PhD Details

This research aims to propose effective evaluation metrics and evaluation framework in dialogue to assess the interactive ability and to predict the ability of interactional competence for second language speakers. This study full the previous gap in dialogue evaluation that fails to capture the nature of interaction and engagement in human conversations, and helps large-scale language assessment to achieve a feasible method in auto scoring in speaking assessments.

Q & A

Why did you decide to do a PhD?...

What do you enjoy reading?
I'm into sci-fi especially some books that link reality with wild fantasy via scientific theory such as Story of Your Life, Three Body, and Dune.

What do you enjoy doing when you're not working on your PhD?
I'm a huge fan of football, so I love watching football matches and playing football games. I also love photography.

Name one fun fact about you.
I can hold my breath for more than 2 minutes.

Work and Publications