Internships in the Faculty of Science

Internships provide you with opportunities to gain hands-on work experience while you apply the knowledge and skills you’ve developed.

They can even lead to other opportunities for work, study, or research and can help you decide on a career path aligned with your skills, interests, and goals. On completion of a Faculty of Science Internship subject, you will have:

  • Reported on a course-related project in a science or technology workplace
  • Learned about the nature of careers in science
  • Reflected on your own skills, personal development needs, and potential career pathways.

Why do an internship?

Following completion of an internship, students report that they can:

  • Identify and articulate their technical and professional skills and apply them to relevant contexts and work-settings
  • Produce original work in an appropriate format which demonstrates analytical, research and problem-solving skills
  • Understand the value of industry and professional networks and their importance to lifelong learning and career progression
  • Gain greater confidence in their ability to contribute to a science-related workplace, and an awareness of areas to further develop beyond their degree.
Internship subjects in the Faculty of Science.

What do students say about their internships?

Rose-Maree Locsei, Bachelor of Science

"My internship revealed the significant differences between university and the professional working environment. I learnt how collaborative sharing of knowledge can be the most time and resource effective mode of acquiring and strengthening the understanding of domain-specific  knowledge.

I was able to gain some insight into the working culture of a global, private company which I have found incredibly useful when considering my path towards my future. Most importantly, the internship has encouraged me to provide support to women in the Mathematics and Technical industries."

Scott Gigante, Bachelor of Science majoring in Mathematics and Statistics

"During my placement, I learned three different programming languages and familiarised myself with virtualisation, an exciting area in computer science. On top of that, I had the opportunity to submit an invention disclosure for the work that I did, which one day may lead to a patent application!"

Holly Dillabough, Master of Environment

"The experience of researching potential host organisations, tailoring my CV, cold-calling for positions and interviewing was invaluable experience that will help me more confidently enter the professional world after graduation."

How to apply for credit for an internship

  1. Check relevant subject entry in the Handbook to ensure credit eligibility.
  2. Successfully source an internship (can be paid or unpaid)
  3. Finalise internship as per Key Dates under relevant subject.
  4. Apply for the Subject credit - Please allow at least 3 weeks between the time you apply for the subject and when you start your internship to allow application processing.
  5. Add the internship subject to your study plan while your application is being reviewed.
  6. Complete any legal paperwork/ additional information requested via your student email as part of application process. Please note: Students can only enrol and commence the internship once all legal requirements for your internship have been completed. 
  7. Internships team will then advise you to enrol via email.
  8. Complete Preparing for Placement module – different subjects have different requirements.
  9. Start your internship and complete assessments as per LMS deadlines.

Undergraduate internships

Learn more about the internships available to undergraduate students.

  • Science & Technology Internship (SCIE30002)

    Subject information

    Placement hours: 80–100
    Location: Australia or overseas

    Internships can take place on a casual, part-time or full-time basis and can be paid or unpaid.

    SCIE30002 Handbook

    Summer 2025

    29 November 2024 Deadline to submit subject application form
    18 November 2024 Earliest internship commencement date
    13 January 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    28 February 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Semester 1 2025

    28 February 2025 Deadline to submit subject application form
    13 January 2025 Earliest internship commencement date
    17 March 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    24 May 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Found a suitable placement and received an offer? Submit your subject application. Please note: Your placement commencement date cannot be less than 14 working days after the submission of your subject application.

    Information for hosts

  • Industry Internship (AGRI30041)

    Subject Information

    Placement hours: minimum 80
    Location: Australia or overseas

    AGRI30041 Handbook

    Summer 2025

    29 November 2024 Deadline to submit subject application form
    18 November 2024 Earliest internship commencement date
    13 January 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    28 February 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Semester 1 2025

    28 February 2025 Deadline to submit subject application form
    13 January 2025 Earliest internship commencement date
    17 March 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    24 May 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Found a suitable placement and received an offer? Submit your subject application. Please note: Your placement commencement date cannot be less than 14 days after the submission of your subject application.

Masters internships

Learn more about the internships available to masters students.

  • Science & Technology Internship (SCIE90017)

    Subject information

    Placement hours: 80–100
    Location: Australia or overseas

    Internships can take place on a casual, part-time or full-time basis and can be paid or unpaid.

    SCIE90017 Handbook

    Summer 2025

    29 November 2024 Deadline to submit subject application form
    18 November 2024 Earliest internship commencement date
    13 January 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    28 February 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Semester 1 2025

    28 February 2025 Deadline to submit subject application form
    13 January 2025 Earliest internship commencement date
    17 March 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    24 May 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Found a suitable placement and received an offer? Submit your subject application. Please note: Your placement commencement date cannot be less than 14 working days after the submission of your subject application.

    Information for hosts

  • Ecosystem Internship (SCIE90027)

    Subject information

    Placement hours: 200
    Location: Within Australia

    SCIE90027 Handbook

    Key dates

    Key dates are the same as those provided for the Science and Technology Internship subjects (above). However, students undertaking the Ecosystem Internship subject may have some additional flexibility for placements that extend beyond these dates. Applications must be submitted before the application deadline mentioned under Key dates.

    If you would like to discuss whether your proposed placement will be a good fit for the subject, feel free to contact Subject Coordinator, Dr Antanas Spokevicius, at Once you have found a suitable placement and received an offer, submit your subject application. Please note: Your placement commencement date cannot be less than 14 working days after the submission of your subject application.

    Information for hosts

  • International Internship in Environment (GEOG90022)

    Subject information

    Placement hours: 200
    Location: Outside of Australia

    GEOG90022 Handbook

    Key dates

    Key dates are the same as those provided for the Science and Technology Internship subjects (above). However, students undertaking the International Internship in Environment subject may have some additional flexibility for placements that extend beyond these dates. Applications must be submitted before the application deadline mentioned under Key dates.

    Once you have found a host organisation that you would like to undertake a placement with, please get in contact with the subject coordinator, Prof Tim Fletcher, on He will need to approve the placement and dates before you submit the subject application form. Please note: Your placement commencement date cannot be less than 14 working days after the submission of your subject application. Please ensure you are submitting an application before the application deadline mentioned under Key dates.

    Once you've found a suitable placement and received approval from the Subject Coordinator, submit your subject application.

    Information for hosts

  • Industry Internship (AGRI90076)

    Subject Information

    Placement hours: minimum 80
    Location: Australia or overseas

    AGRI90076 Handbook

    Summer 2025

    29 November 2024 Deadline to submit subject application form
    18 November 2024 Earliest internship commencement date
    13 January 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    28 February 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Semester 1 2025

    28 February 2025 Deadline to submit subject application form
    13 January 2025 Earliest internship commencement date
    17 March 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    24 May 2025Latest internship conclusion date
  • Internship for Agricultural Sciences (AGRI90078)

    Subject Information

    Placement hours: 200
    Location: Australia or overseas

    AGRI90078 Handbook

    Summer 2025

    29 November 2024 Deadline to submit subject application form
    18 November 2024 Earliest internship commencement date
    13 January 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    28 February 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Semester 1 2025

    28 February 2025 Deadline to submit subject application form
    13 January 2025 Earliest internship commencement date
    17 March 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    24 May 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Found a suitable placement and received an offer? Submit your subject application. Please note: Your placement commencement date cannot be less than 14 working days after the submission of your subject application.

  • MFPI Internship (FOOD90036)

    Subject Information

    This Internship subject is only available to current students admitted into the MC-FOODPI Master of Food Packaging & Innovation.

    FOOD90036 Handbook

    Summer 2025

    29 November 2024 Deadline to submit subject application form
    18 November 2024 Earliest internship commencement date
    13 January 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    28 February 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Semester 1 2025

    28 February 2025 Deadline to submit subject application form
    13 January 2025 Earliest internship commencement date
    17 March 2025 Latest internship commencement date
    24 May 2025Latest internship conclusion date

    Found a suitable placement and received an offer? Submit your subject application. Please note: Your placement commencement date cannot be less than 14 working days after the submission of your subject application.

Graduate research internships

Specialist Certificate in Research Practice for Scientists (PhD)

SC-RESPRSC Handbook Subject Information

Frequently asked questions

  • I'm an international student – can I do an internship?

    Most international students will be studying in Australia on a student visa, which means you are not permitted to work for more than 48 hours per fortnight (starting 1 July 2023). Internships taken as part of Faculty of Science degrees will be counted towards this 48-hour limit unless the internship is taken outside of Australia. This means that you must count hours completed for an internship as you would for any other job, regardless of whether the internship is paid or unpaid.

    We highly recommend you check the exact conditions of your visa on the Department of Home Affairs website.

    Note: some Masters level courses have a mandatory work experience component and are therefore exempt from the 48-hour limit. To check if this applies to your course, see the University's information on student visas.

  • I am based internationally – can I complete an internship in my local country?

    Yes. If you are already based internationally, you may complete an internship in your country of residence through a for-credit internship subject.

  • Can I intern at my current workplace or in an organisation that I have previously worked/interned for before?

    No. Your placement must be a new opportunity in a new organisation that you have sourced specifically for the Internship subject. Entering an entirely new work environment is an important requirement of this subject.

  • When should I start looking for a placement?

    It is never too early! You will need to have received a placement offer in the semester prior to your intended semester of enrolment for the internship subject, so it is a good idea to start researching potential host organisations early. See the ‘How to find an internship’ video above for guidance.

  • Can I do an internship without undertaking a for-credit subject?

    Yes. However, please note that whilst undertaking a co-curricular internship, you are not covered by the University’s insurance. For this reason, not-for-credit internships typically must be paid. Under this arrangement, you would be a paid employee of the host organisation and covered by their insurance.

  • Can I do a placement outside of my major?

    Yes. Feel free to think broadly and ‘outside of the box’ when exploring internship opportunities. Whilst the assessments for the subject will require you to draw connections between your studies and the work you will undertake during your internship, you are welcome to explore career options outside of your specific discipline areas.

  • I have already started an internship – can I count this towards the internship subject?

    No. If you have already commenced a placement, it will not be eligible for inclusion in the internship subject.

  • Can I undertake an internship that is either partly or entirely online?

    Yes. All internship placements require Subject Coordinator approval to ensure the Learning Objectives are met.  The Objectives are not location-based, which means online/virtual internships can meet the Objectives.

  • What documentation do I need from my host to submit my subject application?

    The subject application form requires you to attach correspondence confirming your internship offer. This can be either: a) An official offer letter from your host organisation on company letterhead; or b) An email from your host supervisor with their contact details visible. The offer letter/email must be in English, must specify your internship start and end date, and should include a brief description of your duties whilst on placement.

Do you have a question that isn't covered above?

Contact the Careers and Industry team to discuss.