Quota subjects

These subjects are usually laboratory or fieldwork subjects where enrolment capacity is limited by available resources. Students are selected on the basis of academic merit.

Several subjects offered by the University are termed 'quota subjects' or 'quota restricted subjects'. These are usually laboratory or fieldwork subjects where enrolment capacity is limited by available resources.

How do I apply to be considered for a quota subject?

Applications for quota subjects in 2024 will open during the re-enrolment period.

You must be enrolled in the subject by the application deadline in order to be considered. This deadline is referred to as the 'Last date to Self-Enrol' and can be seen on the individual handbook entry for each subject, in the 'Dates and Location' section.

For current University of Melbourne students

  1. Enrol in the subject via the Student Portal by the application deadline. If you meet the prerequisites but are unable to enrol via the portal you should submit an Enrolment Assistance Form
  2. Selection will be undertaken by the teaching staff after the application deadline
  3. Once selection has been finalised, you will receive notification of your application outcome via email. It is expected that the notification will be sent out within 5-7 business days
  4. Unsuccessful applicants will be removed from the subject and advised via email

If you do not have the prerequisites for a subject, you will need to obtain written coordinator approval to enrol in the subject. Submit the approval through an Enrolment Assistance Form. Obtaining a prerequisite waiver to apply for the subject does not guarantee a place in the subject; it simply allows you to be considered in the selection process.

For external applicants

External applicants (Community Access Program, Cross Institutional Study and Enabling Study) will be considered under a separate application process.

Application and selection

Some subject selections are based on academic merit, while others are on a first come, first served basis. Some subjects will also give preference to students within a certain major or course, or with results in a specific discipline. Students who have successfully completed the prerequisites will also be considered before those who have not. Selection will often use your overall course average marks, however the major/stream, course or results in a specific discipline area may also be used.

Please see the selection criteria for each subject listed below.

Please note: enrolling in a quota subject through your study plan DOES NOT guarantee a place. Email notifications will be sent to advise you on the outcome of your application.

Additional teaching requirements

Many quota subjects have additional requirements, which can include field trips and overseas travel. You should be aware that you may be asked to meet additional requirements for the subject; this could include paying a deposit or confirming details required for organising a field trip.

If you have been offered a place in a quota subject but have not met subject pre-teaching requirements by the due date, you may be withdrawn and your place in the subject will be allocated to the next student on the waiting list. You should ensure that you are in contact with the teaching staff and respond to any requests to confirm your place in the subject.

There are also a number of quota subjects available to Science students administered by the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences.

Subjects are offered by the following teaching departments:

  • Anatomy and Neuroscience
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Microbiology and Immunology
  • Pathology
  • Physiology

For quota subjects not listed below, check the Handbook entry and/or the relevant teaching department for application details.

Subjects with selection criteria

The following Faculty of Science subjects have a quota limit.

Offered in Summer

Subject Study period Selection criteria
Field Botany
Summer Term
Application deadline - 11/12/2023
1) Course WAM. Preference is given to students in Plant Science major, Ecology and Evolution Biology major and MSc (BioSciences) students.
Biogeography and Ecology of Fire
Application deadline - 23/11/2023
1) Completed marks in Geography subjects;
2) Course WAM. Preference is given to Geography major or MSc (Geography) students.
Biogeography and Ecology of Fire
Application deadline - 23/11/2023
1) Completed marks in Geography subjects;
2) Course WAM. Preference is given to Geography major or MSc (Geography) students.
Experimental Marine Biology
Application deadline - 15/12/2023
1) Course WAM. Preference is given to students in the Marine Biology major.
Global Climate Change in Context
Application deadline -  28/11/2023
1) WAM of completed marks in Geography subjects;
2) Course WAM. Preference is given to Geography major or MSC (Geography) students.

Offered in the first half of the year

Subject Study period Selection criteria
Riverine Landscapes: Hydrology & Ecology
Not offered in 2024 1) Course WAM
East Timor Field Class
May                                          Application deadline - 08/03/20241) WAM of completed marks in Geography subjects;
2) Course WAM. Preference is given to Geography major or MSc (Geography) students.

Offered in Winter

Subject titleStudy periodSelection criteria
China Field Class/China Field Class PG
Not offered in 20241) WAM of completed marks in Geography subjects;
2) Course WAM. Preference is given to Geography major or MSc (Geography) students.
Statistics for Research Workers
Winter Term
Application deadline
1) Students who require this subject as Core to their Course will receive preference.
2) Following that, selection will be based by the date of enrolment.
Arid Australia Field Class
Application deadline - 17/06/2024
1) Course WAM. Students with BSc Major Geography are given priority;
2) a documented “Earth Surface Dynamics” pathway is given priority.

Offered in the second half of the year

Subject title Study period Selection criteria
Experimental Animal Physiology
Semester 2
Application deadline -  01/07/2024    
1) Course WAM. Some high-achieving students with high grades in subjects equivalent to the prerequisites may be admitted, but only with permission from the coordinator.
Vegetation Management and Conservation
Semester 2
Application deadline -  08/07/2024
Preference of places will be granted in the following order
Science Communication
Semester 2
Application deadline - 08/07/2024
1) Course WAM
Biomolecular Structure Determination
Semester 2
Application deadline - 02/08/2024
1) In order of enrolment
Field Ecology
Semester 2
Application deadline - 08/07/2024
1) Course WAM
Comparative Animal Physiology
Semester 2
Application deadline - 08/07/2024
1) Course WAM

Offered in November

Subject titleStudy periodSelection criteria
Marine Botany
Not offered in 20241) Course WAM. Preference is given to students in the Plant Science or Marine Biology majors.
Forests in the Asia Pacific Region
Not available in 20241) In order of enrolment.

Subjects without selection criteria

The primary selection method into these subjects is ‘first come, first served’. This is the order in which students are formally enrolled into the subjects.

Not all subjects are expected to be fully subscribed. A quota selection process will not be applied unless student enrolments exceed the quota limit.

Should a subject reach its enrolment quota limit, the Faculty will activate a process for managing a wait list.

Note: If you cannot enrol in the subject, it may mean that the quota has been reached.

Subject title Study periodAdditional information
Vine to Wine
Application deadline first availability - 13/02/24

Application deadline second availability -  20/02/24
1) Please email Jacinta Way with your request.
2) Please note that this subject has two February availabilities
3) NOTE– Wine tasting is compulsory. Participants must be 18 years or over on of the first day of teaching to be eligible to take this subject.
Wine & Spirits: An Australian Perspective

Application deadline - 01/07/24

Application deadline  - 16/09/24

1) NOTE– Wine tasting is compulsory. Participants must be 18 years or over on of the first day of teaching to be eligible to take this subject.
Beer Styles and Sensory Analysis
Semester 1
Application deadline - February (to be confirmed)
1) NOTE– Beer tasting is compulsory. Participants must be 18 years or over on of the first day of teaching to be eligible to take this subject.
Australia in the Wine World
Application deadline - 29/01/2024

Application deadline - 24/06/2024

Semester 2
Application deadline  - 25/07/2024
1) NOTE– Wine tasting is compulsory. Participants must be 18 years or over on of the first day of teaching to be eligible to take this subject.