Session 1 - Agent-based Social Simulation Reading Group

Image for Session 1 - Agent-based Social Simulation Reading Group

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  • Reading Group

Week 1 of the Agent-Based Social Simulation Reading Group will take a broad perspective by considering Joshua Epstein’s 2008 lecture to the Second World Congress on Social Simulation – “Why Model?”, which can be found here: We will then take a look at some of Epstein’s more prominent work from his book with Robert Axtell, ‘Generative Social Science’.

As part of this series, we will also have a ‘live’ model running each session to interact with. This will give all participants opportunity to have a more hands-on experience in the sessions as well as look at platforms and coding standards over time.

Abstract: This lecture treats some enduring misconceptions about modelling. One of these is that the goal is always prediction. The lecture distinguishes between explanation and prediction as modelling goals, and offers sixteen reasons other than prediction to build a model. It also challenges the common assumption that scientific theories arise from and 'summarize' data, when often, theories precede and guide data collection; without theory, in other words, it is not clear what data to collect. Among other things, it also argues that the modelling enterprise enforces habits of mind essential to freedom.

Why model? - A good question if ever there was one.

This in person session will be held on Level 5, Room 5206, Steve Howard Room, Melbourne Connect.

We look forward to seeing you there!