Session 6 - Agent-based social simulation reading group

Image for Session 6 - Agent-based social simulation reading group

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What Agent-Based Modeling platform should I use?

Every new Agent-Based Modelling platform has been created to solve a problem with the last. Still, none of them are perfect. You might be interested in speed of development, speed of execution, simplicity, complexity, transparency, spatial accuracy, stability, communication, integration with data analytic tools, or some other feature specific to your domain of expertise. So which platform should you choose? In this month’s ABM reading group we will look at two platforms that have some dedicated devotees. Firstly, GAMA, the French platform that is a favourite among those looking for spatially representative models. Secondly, Agents.jl; a new kid on the block that promises high speed execution and a general language as easy to learn as Python. We will show a short demonstration of each and discuss papers from their respective authors, describing the platforms, below:

P. Taillandier, B. Gaudou, A. Grignard, Q.-N. Huynh, N. Marilleau, P. Caillou, et al. (2019) Building, composing and experimenting complex spatial models with the GAMA platform. GeoInformatica Vol. 23 Pages 299-322

G. Datseris, A. R. Vahdati and T. C. DuBois (2022) Agents. jl: a performant and feature-full agent-based modeling software of minimal code complexity. Simulation Pages 00375497211068820

This in person session will be held on Level 5, Room 5206, Steve Howard Room, Melbourne Connect.