We examine Earth’s geology and the physical processes that continue to shape our planet. From its core to its crust, we measure our how Earth has evolved over time, how humans have affected and benefited from its vast energies, and how a modern understanding of geology, geothermal energy, solid earth dynamics, tectonics and geochemistry will help us understand our planet’s past and tackle modern challenges.
Research groups and labs
Earth Resources
The Earth Resources cluster conducts research on the formation and exploration of earth resources, and the sustainability of their supply and use. We consider a broad range of earth resources including rare minerals and strategic metals, groundwater, geothermal energy and the pore space for long-term CO2 storage.
Earth Surface Processes
The Earth Surface Processes cluster uses observational and modelling research methods to study surface and near-surface geological, geomorphological, meteorological, and anthropogenic phenomena.
Forest Hydrology
Answering key questions on the hydrologic and geomorphic response of native and planted forests to growth, and disturbance by fire and climate drivers.
Geochemistry, Geochronology and Thermochronology
The Geochemistry, Geochronology and Thermochronology cluster conducts research on method development and the application of geochemical techniques to the timing, evolution and rates of geological, biological, and environmental processes.
Geophysics and Geodynamics
The Geophysics and Geodynamics Cluster research program aligns with eleven of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. We add value to society and the economy by conducting fundamental and applied research into the structure and dynamics of the solid Earth.
Landscape and Forest Dynamics (LaForDy)
LaForDy focuses on understanding how forest ecosystems and forested landscapes develop and respond to climate and natural and anthropogenic disturbances.
Noble Gas Geochronology
Application of the 40Ar/39Ar dating method to determine the ages and cooling histories of a variety of rocks, including those associated with young volcanoes, ore deposits and metamorphic terranes.
Palynology, Palaeoecology and Biogeography
Palaeoecological and biogeographic research developing and integrating high-resolution palaeoenvironmental records from across the Southern Hemisphere, primarily in Australia, providing comprehensive reconstructions of environmental change over time.
Past Fire Frequency and Intensity Reconstruction
PF-FIRE is composed of a team of international scientists seeking to understand how fire has changes in frequency and intensity in space and in time. We specialise in time, using the fossil and sub-fossil record to reconstruct changes in fire and fuels (vegetation) across the Earth.
Recycle and Reuse of Agricultural Wastes
The Agricultural and Urban Waste Management research group aims to improve nutrient and resource recovery by investigating nutrient re-use and recycling and the recovery of other valuable resources from agricultural and urban waste.
Renewable Energy
The imperative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has never been stronger and urgent. This urgency necessitates considering all possible renewable energy sources to decarbonise the economy. Geothermal energy is an emissions-free, sustainable alternative to natural gas combustion for heating.
Tectonics, Petrology and Lithospheric Processes
Tectonic processes involve the deformation of the lithosphere – the rigid, conductive outer shell of the Earth. Spanning the intersections between geology, geophysics and geochemistry, the Tectonics, Petrology and Lithospheric Processes Cluster explores a range of geological settings across geological time.
Trace Analysis for Chemical, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
The TrACEES research platform supports research requiring high quality surface chemical analysis, trace elemental and speciation analysis, and associated structural chemical analysis.
More research for a healthy planet
We combine research on biodiversity and conservation, atmosphere and oceans, forest and earth sciences, agriculture, and Indigenous knowledge to find sustainable practices for a healthy planet.
Explore other research areas
Life, the Universe and everything in between – our discoveries build an understanding of the world around us and help make it a better place.