Our research describes how we interact with our planet and helps to advance human and animal health.
Through biotechnology, food sciences, plant biology and genomics, we are improving global issues of nutrition and sustainable systems to help secure the future of food. By understanding diseases in humans and animals we can look at smarter medicines, earlier intervention and supporting better health outcomes for all life on this planet.
Animal health and disease
Our interdisciplinary research spans infectious diseases, mathematical biology, conversation, biological and reproductive systems, wildlife ecology, animal behaviour, genetics, parasitology, and veterinary specialists in epidemiology and pathology. Through a One Health lens, we also work with communities and industry to provide better outcomes for our animals.
Biotechnology uses living organisms and biomolecular processes to create new technologies and products to improve human health. Our interdisciplinary research combines nanomedicine, inorganic and organic chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics and structural biology to improve disease diagnostics and develop smarter medicines for better therapeutic outcomes.
Food sciences
Our research centres on modern food technologies and human nutrition, and how good policy and governance can promote resilient sustainable food production and food supplies, including for our growing towns and cities.
Epidemiology is the study of how often diseases occur and why. Through mathematical, statistical, computational and biological methods, our research can better monitor, plan and prevent the spread of disease. Our researchers in veterinary epidemiology employ new techniques that lead to improvements in animal health, particularly those that cross disciplinary boundaries.
Genetics and genomics
We develop and apply genomics and genetics techniques to enhance understanding of molecular and cellular biology, animal and plant reproduction and development, ecology and evolution. Our work improves our understanding of health and disease, crop farming, livestock production, biosecurity, disease and pest management, and climate change resilience.
Human geography and archaeological science
We investigate the dynamic relationship between people and their environments including human mobility, power dynamics, cities and urban life, and forest and water management. We aim to create change through policy, addressing social injustice, and building equitable and resilient communities. Our archaeological experts explore our past, and the deep history of Indigenous cultures.
Human health and disease
Through enzymology, bioanalytical chemistry, biology, nanomedicine, physics and organic chemistry, we aim to improve disease diagnostics and develop better therapeutic outcomes for human health. We explore how trace elements are used in biological systems, the factors that impact infertility and the role mathematical biology and data can have in addressing and preventing the spread of disease.
Indigenous knowledges
We acknowledge Indigenous Australians as our first scientists with deep and enduring knowledge of our lands, seas and waterways. From the stars to our seas, and the flora and fauna in between, we work across the sciences to investigate and understand the history, culture and perspective of Indigenous Knowledges. We work with communities to expand a shared human scientific understanding of the world around us.
Medical technologies
We develop new and emerging technologies to respond to global health challenges. We use quantum sensing technologies, biosensors and biomagnetic processes to create new technologies that improve diagnosis, treatment, and management of disease.
Medical physics
We use physics principles and concepts to improve prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. We investigate optics, cell biology, quantum sensing and imaging, diamond-based implant devices, and new approaches to bionics to develop medical devices and processes for better health outcomes.
Medicinal chemistry, therapeutics and diagnostics
Medicinal chemistry allows us to understand how drugs work and how we can create smarter and more efficient pharmaceuticals to address growing health issues. Through diverse fields of chemistry – including inorganic, functional, biological and synesthetic – our experts are exploring the building blocks of therapeutic agents. Working with industry and biomedicine we explore, understand and create better therapeutic outcomes, including diagnostic, treatments and prevention.
Molecular and cellular biology
Using an interdisciplinary approach, including mathematical biology, genetics, chemistry and ecology, we study the processes that underpin cellular functions in plants, animals and the world around us. We also work to decode genetic blueprints to understand the processes that impact our crops, the spread of disease, animal and human health.
We investigate the policy, politics, and philosophy of global food systems. We study ways to increase the nutrient profiles of crops and the fundamental structure of food – including taste and aroma. Using emerging AI tools, our digital agriculture research focuses on the future of food, while our veterinary experts look at the importance of nutrition in animals.
One Health
One Health is an integrative approach, balancing the health of people, animals and the environment. Our research explores the health implications of emerging contaminates and pollution and investigates parasites and diseases to develop effective treatments, vaccines and diagnostic tools. We also support interdisciplinary projects relating to the welfare of people, animals and the environment.
Plant biology
Our expertise in plants includes mycology, biodiversity, plant genetics, chemical biology, molecular biology, plant nutrition, plant physiology, and plant pathology. We aim to better understand plants and crops to help them thrive, sustain healthy waterways in urban and rural landscapes, and improve productivity and environmental outcomes of food production systems.
Science communication and education
We’re passionate about communicating scientific outcomes, and research, and inspiring the next generation of scientific thinkers. We work with schools and tertiary groups to provide tips, tools and best practices in teaching and communicating science subjects. We employ new and innovative experiences to assist learning, and support communities to undertake research in social and community settings.
Veterinary medicine
Our research recognises the complex interplay between human, animal and environmental health. Our cross-disciplinary veterinary expertise spans parasitology, infectious diseases, pathology, biology, and animal welfare. We’re experts in equine disease and home to the University’s Equine Centre, providing specialist care to Australian horses of all shapes and sizes.
Research centres, partnerships and institutes
ARC CoE for the Mathematical Analysis of Cellular Systems (MACSYS)
MACSYS generates mathematics and computational technologies to make biology predictive, tackles fundamental biological problems and has established a world-leading research and biotechnology translation environment.
Indigenous Knowledge Institute
The Indigenous Knowledge Institute aims to advance research and education in Indigenous knowledge systems, and plays a lead role in articulating University research to external audiences.
Melbourne Biodiversity Institute
The Melbourne Biodiversity Institute is a collective of researchers, innovators and problem-solvers from across the University of Melbourne dedicated to addressing Earth’s biodiversity crisis.
Melbourne Integrative Genomics (MIG)
Computational statistics for big datasets from multiple sub-cellular levels, anchored in the genome.
Oceania Institute
The Oceania Institute has been established to enhance connection and collaboration between the University of Melbourne and people and institutions throughout Oceania.
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Life, the Universe and everything in between – our discoveries build an understanding of the world around us and help make it a better place.