We investigate the dynamic relationship between people and their environments including human mobility, power dynamics, cities and urban life, and forest and water management. We aim to create change through policy, addressing social injustice, and building equitable and resilient communities. Our archaeological experts explore our past, and the deep history of Indigenous cultures.
Research groups and labs
Archaeological Science
Our research uses a variety of analytical methods from the earth sciences to address key questions in archaeological science in Australia and worldwide, and the deep history of Indigenous cultures.
Biodiverse Cities
The Biodiverse Cities research group investigates questions related to the ecology in, of, for and with cities.
Cities and Urban Life
Research in the Cities and Urban Life cluster investigates how cities and urban areas are being transformed at a time of rapid urbanisation, global environmental change, technological advancement, economic and political restructuring, and growing social and economic inequality.
Culture, Politics, Place
The Culture, Place, Politics cluster develops dynamic understandings of the social, cultural, economic, and political processes that transform places. Individually and collaboratively, our research highlights multiple relations, scales, and times through place-based geography.
Environmental Social Science
Solutions to environmental and sustainability challenges require an understanding of their economic, social and psychological dimensions. Research disciplines in the group include environmental sociology, environmental psychology, economics, forest management and policy.
Environment, Wellbeing and Sustainable Communities
The Environment, Wellbeing and Sustainable Communities cluster seeks to understand how interdependent environmental and social systems affect the wellbeing and sustainability of people and populations. It examines how people inhabit, use and alter ‘natural’, rural and urban environments in diverse places.
Food Politics, Philosophy & Policy
Addressing the politics, philosophy and policy dimensions of food, nutrition, agriculture, and engaging with issues related to nutrition, public health, ecological sustainability, animal welfare, social justice and corporate power in food systems.
Green Infrastructure Research Group (GIRG)
Creating and embedding knowledge and technologies in smart design, construction and maintenance of green spaces, trees, parks, rain gardens, green roofs and facades throughout the urban landscape.
Migration, Mobility and Population
The Migration, Mobility and Population cluster conducts research on multiple forms of human mobility at a range of spatial and temporal scales with a geographic focus on Australia, Asia and the Pacific.
Power, Justice and Global Inequalities
Research in this cluster seeks to understand how global inequalities are produced across time and space, and to analyse how power is exercised and resisted to sustain or overcome inequalities and achieve social justice.
Rural Innovation Research Group
The Rural Innovation Research Group (RIRG) is a social science group that researches and designs innovative pathways for facilitating change and enabling social-ecological resilience.
Water and Society
Research in the Water and Society cluster tackles cutting-edge problems of water as an environmental, socio-cultural, economic and political entity. We make key contributions to understanding pressing environmental problems at the interface of water use, water health, water management, and different kinds of water demand.
More research into life and people
We are solving critical global issues such as human and animal health through food sciences, veterinary medicine, epidemiology, genetics, biology, and human geography.
Explore other research areas
Life, the Universe and everything in between – our discoveries build an understanding of the world around us and help make it a better place.