We study forest ecosystems and the influence of fire, water, animal ecology and climate change on changing forest dynamics. We use our knowledge to develop sustainable and renewable wild and urban forests.
Research groups and labs
Biodiversity Dynamics Research Group (biodynamos)
Undertaking research on plant evolution and global change, fire management, animal ecology and conservation decision making.
Ecophysiology and Flux
Ecophysiology and flux focuses on the interactions of plants with their environment and the processes that control the functioning of ecosystems.
Environmental Social Science
Solutions to environmental and sustainability challenges require an understanding of their economic, social and psychological dimensions. Research disciplines in the group include environmental sociology, environmental psychology, economics, forest management and policy.
FLARE Wildfire Research
Quantifying risks to environmental and human assets from wildfires, using models incorporating theoretical and applied bushfire behaviour and management strategies to determine actions to reduce risks.
Forest Hydrology
Answering key questions on the hydrologic and geomorphic response of native and planted forests to growth, and disturbance by fire and climate drivers.
Green Infrastructure Research Group (GIRG)
Creating and embedding knowledge and technologies in smart design, construction and maintenance of green spaces, trees, parks, rain gardens, green roofs and facades throughout the urban landscape.
Integrated Forest Ecosystem Research (iFER)
Enhancing the evidence base for managing the impacts of fire, climate and management regimes on multiple forest values in Victoria’s forest ecosystems now and into the future.
Landscape and Forest Dynamics (LaForDy)
LaForDy focuses on understanding how forest ecosystems and forested landscapes develop and respond to climate and natural and anthropogenic disturbances.
One Health Research Group
The One Health Research Group (OHRG) provides solutions for wildlife health issues through research, training and extension that benefit humans, animals and the environment, as well as national and international leadership, communication and coordination.
Quantitative and Applied Ecology (QAEco)
QAEco researchers work on a range of topics, species and locations related to ecosystem management.
Sustainable and Renewable Forest Products
The Sustainable and Renewable Forest Products Group creates knowledge and builds capability in the innovative uses of sustainably-managed timber resources for high-performance timber products.
Urban Forests for Resilient Communities, Climate and Environment (UrbanFORCCE)
The measurement and modelling of ecosystem processes in the urban landscape is central to our research method. Driving change in the design and management of urban forests and green space for climate change adaptation and community resilience is our aim.
Our group works on a wide range of forest projects from tropical peatlands and mangroves, plantation management in the top end of Australia to semi-arid woodlands, medium open and tall open forests of south-eastern Australia.
More research for a healthy planet
We combine research on biodiversity and conservation, atmosphere and oceans, forest and earth sciences, agriculture, and Indigenous knowledge to find sustainable practices for a healthy planet.
Explore other research areas
Life, the Universe and everything in between – our discoveries build an understanding of the world around us and help make it a better place.