Food systems

"A food system encompasses all the stages of keeping us fed: growing, harvesting, packing, processing, transforming, marketing, consuming and disposing of food" - UN FAO definition

What is the food system?

A simple definition of the food system from Oxford University.

Food system elements

A simple diagram of the main stages of the food system from Cornell University.

What’s wrong with our food system?

An infographic from Oxfam with simple explanations about what’s wrong with the food system.

10 things you need to know about the global food system

A Guardian opinion piece from academic Evan Fraser on ten important aspects of the food system.

Milk-price wars

An article on ABC News on how global events can affect the price farmers are paid for milk.


What happened to the Australian dairy industry 

CHOICE explores the $1 milk wars and how Australian dairy farmers get paid for their milk.

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